Good morning! It's been a busy and momentous weekend in our house. We traveled back to IL for my DH's retirement. He was in the Air Force for 22 1/2 years. He went in at age 18, something he had always wanted to do. His grandfather was in the US Army Air Core before it became the Air Force in 1947. He served as a machinest in WW II. His Uncle was in the Air Force also for 20 years where he trained pilots in Survival School. This has become somewhat of a family tradition. My son now says he wants to join the USAF.

The ceremony was very nice. They presented my husband with numerous awards and included a brief history of his career in a presentation. I was learning as we went along too. LOL! Some of you military wives might understand this but I have spent the last 20 years not really understanding my husband's career, it's one of those don't ask questions jobs. I have toured his place of work at one base but have never been allowed at any other time. He spent 20 years in one career field and received a humanitarian so had to cross train . He did this so that I could be close to my mother before she passed away and only 2 short months after we moved she did lose her battle with cancer. I was so thankful for the time I did have.

I was presented with a certificate of appreciation from the Air Force and the Chief Master of the Air Force. I also received a medal for a Military Spouse. I received a pin and you can see him pinning this on me in this picture. Our kids received medals and certificates as well.
He really surprised me with this. I received a flag box with two coins and the flag was one his Grandfather had used everyday taking it up and down. It's a 48 star flag. I have always loved flags and he knows this. My MIL gave this to me and I had been trying to figure out how to display it properly. He knew this and surprised me and told everyone in the room just how much he appreciated me and couldnt' have done this without me. I lost it and cried right then and there. That meant more than anything else to me.

This is my husband's shadow box that they presented to him. It contains all of his medals, ranks and ribbons and a flag that was flown on a special mission just for him. Major Kay shown here in the pictures is a very nice man, he spoke at my husband's retirement. A special shout out to his staff for a job well done, it was special for all of us. We also had a friend fly out just for his retirement and some local friends who got to come even though there was huge mess up at the gate that day. We appreciate our friends and family who were able to attend.
Oh and just in case you're wondering, the uniform my DH chose to retire in is the one he wore everyday, normally ceremonies are conducted in the Air Force blues but my DH requested this.
A new chapter in our life has begun and I can honestly say even though I didn't think I would miss it I know I will. If I had to do this crazy military life all over again. I would jump in all over again. I've met so many people, lived different places, experienced many things all because he was in the military. Yes, they were ups and downs and it wasn't always fun. There were long hours and TDY's and no overtime pay but it was all worth it. I want to share something with you my husband said in his speech that I think rings true. "America's strength doesn't come from it's economic power or even the might of our military. It comes from its people. Americans are willing to pay any price, and make any sacrifice so that the american dream can come true for everyone. If we remember this we will countinue to flourish. "
I'm so proud of you honey!
Lest we not forget those that serve!