Today we loaded up in the SUV and went to Pinkneyville for an auction. We lived in MO for 10 years and found some pretty good deals. I got a few things that I will need to makeover. On some of the items I got some great deals. The grey graniteware was a good deal for $3. We spent twenty dollars on everything and I didn't even take pictures of all of it. Some of it went in the trash. We will sell some when we have a garage sale. Afterwards we went to the White Rabbit Antique Mall and much to my surprise I found a prim booth with some treasures. Everything but the bread basket came from there. The candle smells so yummy and I can't wait to burn it. Hopefully, next week I will show you some of the makeovers. I plan on painting the santa lamp. Any ideas for what to put on the shade? It's made of wood. The baskets I plan on painting too.
Our auction finds
A close-up of the jack-o-lantern candle holders. I was also thrilled with the strainer that my dh bid on for me.

Here's the basket I will probably paint and the santa lamp. It has a cute little accent light inside and it works. I even got some Pilates bands for $1. Yeah!

A great brown crock for $1 but it did crack a in a big spot as my dh washed it up for me. He's going to try and glue it back for me.

My primitive finds bread basket at a little shop on main street 1/2 off. The rest of it came from a booth at the White Rabbit. The crows are little tarts that smell like cinnamon apple.

A little sampler

Have a blessed Sunday,