Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Closing on House and Great Friends

Good morning, I have more news about the house, we were supposed to close on Friday but it looks like the big day is Thursday.  I am so excited.  I'm trying to cautionsly optimistic here. Our friends from Colorado are driving out to help us celebrate and move.  Aren't they the best? I can't wait to see them.  It's been a while since we saw them in March.  I love having military "family"  We form such a close knit bond. 

Well, I don't have a lot of new pictures to show you so I'll show you some more Fall pretty pictures and leave you for a little while.  I'll be back Saturday for my daughter/son's birthday celebration with friends.  I can't believe she will be ten.

After the move hopefully next week, wishful thinking!!! I'll be taking a little break from blogging but not too worry I'll be back with pics of my newly decorated house eventually.  It may be just a little at a time though. I'll keep in touch with everyone and keep checking on your blogs and email.  I told  Mr. AmericanGirlPrims that internet was necessary that it had to start right away.  LOL!  Ok, I hope he doesn't read that last part.  I just love the way everyone is referring to their husbands that way in other blogs.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Carey I bet you are so excited and can't wait to get in there and start decorating.I can't wait to see pics. That's so nice of your friends to help out.Yeah I can't even imagine life without internet,LOL! It is amazing this thing called the internet.I hope you don't mind when I put a link on my post.It's just when I seen those aprons,it was too funny.I though of you immediately.Have a great week and enjoy your time with your friends:)Sherri

  2. I'm excited FOR you!! I hope your move is smooth, and
    your back to blogging soon. Can't wait to see more

  3. Carey, good luck with the move, hope all goes well and can't wait to see all your prim goodies in your NEW HOUSE!!!!!

  4. Good luck with the move Carrie. Can't wait to see the pics of your new home with your decorations displayed. God bless you and your family.

  5. How exciting! There's nothing like owning your own home and being able to do some "nesting"!

    Enjoy your break and have fun decorating!

  6. Hey Carey, hope everything works out for you!! Have fun moving and enjoy your friends!!

  7. Congratulations on getting a new place! And just in time for fall...how fun! I am really loving the "fall" feeling in the air here...it's been rainy and overcast and just has that feel!

    Looking forward to your pics!

    Have a great evening!

  8. Carrie how wonderful to have such great friends to come visit and help.
    We're all anxious for house pictures in the final stages!


  9. I can't wait to see the new house and the pics!!! I hope you had/are having a wonderful time visiting with your friends :) Did I mention I can't wait to see pictures? :)

  10. How exciting!! Congratulations :)

    Thank you so much for visiting me :)

