Thursday, October 21, 2010

Spirtual Journey

I've had the most wonderful weekend!  I just had to share with's a little off my normal decorating and recipes topics.  I went on a Walk to Emmaus.  I decided to go after hearing about this experience from my mother-in-law.  The amount of joy I experienced is beyond words.  I have been a Christian all my life.  My Dad was a Methodist minister so this is not a new idea for me.  I spent countless hours attending Sunday school and church services (sometimes twice on Sunday) and vacation Bible school.  My father had three small country churches once place we lived so my mom and I would go with him to at least two services sometimes.  When he passed away it was very difficult, but my mom raised me alone.  We continued attending church and she was the best example of a humble servant that I've every known. However, this was a religion free experience.  We never talked about denominations or our profession.  We only talked about God and how to walk closer with him.  It wasn't about anybody else but our relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Before I attended I thought I had this all figured out....this was no ordinary retreat.  I have a new outlook...feel spirtually alive and nourished.  I am so glad to call myself a princess of the King.  I realized that all the stuff that we fill ourselves up with whether it's a priority list, activities, alcohol or drugs, other people it can't make us whole because he is the one that we need.  He's counting on us...we have to count on him.  We do that through Study, Prayer and Action.  If you have any interest in taking this spirtual walk then I would ask that you check in your area for a walk.  You will need a sponsor too.  This is something that I hope that you would consider.  Here's the link to Emmaus Upperoom.

Have a Blessed Day!


  1. Sounds wonderful Carey. Our church has something similar. We have weekend retreats a couple times each year. separate for men and women. Its called Christ renews his parish. From what I have heard it is an incredibly moving experience. I have yet to attend due to scheduling, but hope to soon. So glad you enjoyed your experience.

  2. So glad that you had such a wonderful renewal experience. I had a similar experience this week that I just posted about.

    Hugs and blessings to you!

  3. I have heard such good things about the Emmaus Walk. My denomination doesn't have that but we have some other things.

    You are right, things do not make us happy. In the end, it is the King, Jesus Christ.


  4. I love that your Mother raised you without talk of denomination...but of how to grow closer to God and walk with Jesus. That is really wonderful.


  5. Yes you are His beautiful princess! I am so glad that you were able to go on the Emmaus Walk. I have heard that is a wonderful experience.
    Thank you for encouraging us Carey!!
